Mandatory Curbside “Composting” Expands to Manhattan week of October 6!
Mailers to all Manhattan residents, announcing the expansion of mandatory curbside organics collection to our borough, have gone out! Order your free bin NOW! Deadline is August 30 to receive by October 6 with final deadline October 30, 2024. It's time to talk to your building management and get ready!
Food Waste Prevention Week - April 1-7
Food Waste Prevention Week - 4/1-7! Use these tools to help reduce your food waste and save $$$!
Less beef, more leftovers: 21 food sustainability resolutions for 2024
Thanks to the Guardian article Less beef, more leftovers: 21 food sustainability resolutions for 2024 highlighting the MSWAB and MSWAB Member Anna Sacks’ important work
December 6 #SaveOurCompost Rally
The rally held in City Hall Park on December 6th opposing the Adam’s administration budget which would end funding for collection and processing of organic food scraps city-wide as well as delay the roll-out of long planned residential collections.
Inner City Green Team Named Outstanding Organization at NERC's 2023 Fall Conference
The Northeast Recycling Council’s 7th Annual Environmental Leadership Awards Ceremony, recognizing those who further NERC’s mission to minimize waste, conserve natural resources, and advance a sustainable economy through facilitated collaboration and action.
Pumpkins Are Not Trash - Take The Pumpkin Pledge!
Of the nearly 2 Billion pounds of pumpkins grown in the United States, an estimated 1.3 Billion pounds were simply trashed instead of eaten or composted. It seems that Jack-O-Lanterns comprise their own scary group of Halloween food waste, haunting landfills!
Healthy Urban Soils, Healthy People, Healthy Communities, and the Benefits of Compost & Composting
The Manhattan Solid Waste Advisory Board's "Healthy Urban Soils, Healthy People, Healthy Communities, and the Benefits of Compost and Composting" event will promote citywide organics collection and raise funds for both MSWAB’s composting grants and its "Reduce, Reuse, and Repair" grant, while also raising awareness about the importance of diverting organics from landfills.