Mandatory Curbside “Composting” Expands to Manhattan week of October 6!
Written by Allison Allen
Mandatory curbside composting of food and yard waste begins throughout Manhattan the week of October 6. All residents should have received a mailer by now. This long-awaited expansion provides an opportunity to divert our organic waste which comprises roughly 44% of the waste that fills our black plastic garbage bags and feeds the rats.
What all residents need to know:
Every building can order one free bin by October 28
Anyone can order the bin. If multiple people in a building order the free bin, your building will still only receive one bin.
Larger buildings will need to purchase additional bins with a secure latching and attached lid - order additional bins here..
DSNY has made low cost bins available for purchase here
Bins, other than brown bins, will need an orange composting decal from DSNY or be prominently marked as compost.
Mark your address on all bins.
Any stolen bins should be reported to the police
Bins set out after 6pm. Leaf/yard waste only bags set out after 8pm
Do not overfill bins as you should tie the liner bags closed before you set out at the curb for collection to prevent contamination by passers by, odors, pests and to help keep the bins clean.
Compost bins will be collected the same day as your other recycling - this is a change for buildings that already have brown bin service.
This is a mandatory program (similar to other recycling) that will be enforced in two parts. Thus, it is important to get residents in the habit asap. DSNY will start issuing fines in early 2025 to buildings that don’t comply.
Enforcement/fines will begin January 2025 (after a 3 month warning period) for leaf and yard waste which can be placed in your compost bin OR in a clear plastic bag next to your compost bin or in a paper leaf/yard waste bag if not mixed with food waste.
Bundle twigs and branches (no bigger than 2ft x 4ft) with twine and place them on the curb next to the bin and bags.
Enforcement/fines for food waste violations - where food waste is not separated into DSNY brown bins or other dedicated latched bins labeled for compost - begins April 2025 (after a 6 month warning period).
Talk to your building managers asap about how this new program will be communicated to residents and to determine the best location for your bins and related signage.
Download or order materials/signage to place in your building - available in multiple languages.
If your building refuses to participate in the program you can report them to 311 and contact for help
Weekly online DSNY trainings and Q&A sessionsare available for residents and building staff.
Review the MSWAB Guide for Engaging Residents of Multi-Family Buildings in Organics Collection for ideas.
“Composting” is easy. Just one more thing to set apart for recycling. Simply use a separate container or bag for food and plant waste and food soiled paper and deposit in your brown bin which will be collected by DSNY on your recycling day.
Use your fridge/freezer to store temporarily as needed.
Curbside composting is an easy way to combat rats by diverting food waste/rat food into rat proof bins, while also reducing our climate impacts as food waste sent to landfills generates significant harmful methane emissions The EPA graphic below illustrates the problem with food waste sent to landfills very well. Food is not waste!
Any questions, contact DSNY at or