Created in 1989 under Local Law 19, The MSWAB advances ideas, insights, and initiatives to achieve New York City’s goal of Zero Waste by 2030
By 2030, climate change will cause Manhattan and other parts of NYC to flood every five years rather than every 500 years.
Our Impact
Through our working partnership with SWABs in Brooklyn, Queens and the Bronx, our 38 members seek to achieve impact in three key areas:
Policy Input
Through written and verbal testimonies, meetings, and letters to city officials.
Thought leadershp
Through the development of recycling and composting guides, hosting public forums, outreach events to educate and attract new members.
In the past we have created annual Community Composting and Reuse, Reduce and Repair grants
We promote:
Key Accomplishments
$300K+ Grant-Giving
The MSWAB is comprised of 26 individuals selected by the Manhattan Borough President’s Office for two year terms. A 5-Person Executive Team, Steering Committee of Committee chairs, and 3 Members at Large govern the MSWAB.
The MSWAB is fiscally sponsored by the Open Space Institute, Inc. View our MSWAB Bylaws and MSWAB Procedures to learn more.
Chair: Allison Allen
The Organics Committee promotes diversion of NYC’s food scraps from landfill to composting or methane by-product capture. We track residential diversion efforts, report on waste policy, provide technical expertise, testimony and best practices, and help administer annual composting grant program. Check out the Organics page for resources, information and tips.
Co-Chairs: Diane Blackwell & Kristen Lasky
The NYCHA Recycling Committee seeks to improve existing NYCHA recycling and expand residential access to recycling across the borough of Manhattan. The Committee pursues this goal by forging sustainable collaborations with existing NYCHA objectives, community organizations, and concerned residents.
Chair: Anna Sacks
The Legislative Committee internally advises the MSWAB on City and State legislation, and drafts and maintains the MSWAB’s annual legislative agenda. Our advocacy includes the drafting and delivering of testimony for public hearings as well as letters of support. We engage with and educate local elected officials and key decision makers. The committee builds coalitions around timely issues and also reviews and comments on the City’s proposed budget for Zero Waste.
Chair: Danielle Dookie
The Data & Technology Committee is responsible for the development, curation and management of the MSWAB website and content. We also leverage NYC's open data to assist with MSWAB’s zero waste initiatives.
Chair: Joyce Bialik
The Residential Recycling and Reuse Committee aims to develop tools and conduct outreach to promote methods that will increase resident participation in recycling and reuse programs.
Co-Chairs: Danielle Hartley
The Waste Prevention and Reuse Committee recommends policies, legislation, research programs and pilots, budgets, line items, educational methods, and outreach campaigns for the MSWAB and partners to adopt and support. In addition, the Committee administers the Reduce, Reuse and Repair grant.
Chair: Sharon Silbermann
The Textile Waste Committee aims to unite stakeholders across the value chain - manufacturers, designers, merchandisers, consumers, recyclers, and more - around a vision to transform NYC into a circular textile city.
Chair: Maggie Clarke
Our central interests are zero waste and long-range planning to get to zero waste. It's a broad purview including but not limited to creating legislation, testimony, alternative plans, budget research and communicating these with elected officials and agencies and encouraging new policies that fall in line with zero waste by 2030 or close. The Long Range Planning Committee monitors and evaluates the work of the Department of Sanitation and other city agencies and makes recommendations to help expedite NYC’s transition to zero waste.
The LRPC meets every other Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom. If you're interested in joining please email or visit the Events calendar for more details.
Chair: Matt Civello
The Fundraising Committee leads the SWAB's efforts to raise funds and attract services to carry out the Board’s mission. The Committee hosts events in the fall and spring to raise money for the MSWAB’s grant programs.
Chairs: Lorial Crowder & Danielle Dookie
The Social Media and PR Committee works to promote MSWAB’s work and educate the public on solid waste/zero waste issues through social media platforms and email newsletters
Chair: TBD
The Outreach Committee seeks to educate and inform the public about Zero Waste issues and works with local elected officials and neighborhood institutions like Community Boards, block associations, and religious institutions to create materials.
Our Members
MSWAB members include solid waste management industry veterans, waste reduction consultants, sustainability professionals, academics, concerned citizens, and more.
Current members include:
Allison Allen
Joyce Bialik
Diana Blackwell
Stan Chen
Matthew Civello
Maggie Clarke
Peter Cohen
Laura Corona Rios
Lorial Crowder
Kimberly Davis
Eric Dickson
Danielle Dookie
Frank Farance
Wendy Frank
Katherine Hanner
Danielle Hartley
Kristen Lasky
Jessica Long
Diane Orr
Ushma Pandya
Aline Reynolds
Anna Sacks
Rick Schulman
Sharon Silbermann
Chana Widawski
other swabs
brooklyn swab
queens swab
bronx swab
The Manhattan Solid Waste Advisory Board is fiscally sponsored by the Open Space Institute, Inc, as part of their Citizen Action Program. OSI is a nonprofit public charity exempt from federal income tax under Sections 501(c)(3) and 509(a)(1) of the International Revenue Code.
Our partners
Manhattan Borough President
Wearable Collections
Open Space Institute
The Durst Organization
Waste Management
Pratt Industries
press mentions
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