Mandatory curbside composting enforcement begins April 1!

To avoid fines, be sure that food/plant/yard waste is not commingled with your trash!

Curbside Composting service is free and collected weekly in every borough on the same day as recycling.  Check for your recycling day at

 What to Compost

ALL leaf and yard waste, food scraps, and food-soiled paper. This includes:

·       ALL leaf and yard waste, including flowers and Christmas trees

·       ALL food scraps, including meat, bones, shells, and dairy

·       Prepared and cooked foods

·       Greasy uncoated paper plates and pizza boxes

·       Products certified or labeled compostable

DO NOT compost trash such as diapers, personal hygiene products, animal waste, wrappers, non-paper packaging, and foam products. 

How to Compost

Set out your leaf and yard waste, food scraps, and food-soiled paper in a labeled bin with a secure lid or in your DSNY brown bin.

  • Bins must be 55 gallons or less with a secure lid. Line with a clear plastic, paper, or compostable bag to help keep it clean. No black trash bags.

  • Extra leaf and yard waste can be put in a paper lawn and leaf bag or clear plastic bag and placed out next to the bin. Do not put any food waste or food-soiled paper into bags of yard waste. No black trash bags.

  • Twigs and branches can be bundled with twine and placed next to bins and bags.

You can purchase a DSNY brown bin at If using your own bin, order a free composting bin decal!


Spread the Word!

If your building is not providing compost bins - call 311 to report!


Mandatory Curbside “Composting” Expands to Manhattan week of October 6!