
curbside composting is now available city wide!

  • What all residents need to know

    Curbside composting is an easy way to combat rats by diverting food waste/rat food into rat proof bins, while also reducing our climate impacts as food waste sent to landfills generates harmful methane emissions as it decomposes.

  • Get our guide on organics collection

    We have created a guide to encourage residential participation in the new city wide mandatory DSNY organics collection in multifamily buildings. The guide provides useful strategies, tools and inspiration.

  • Tell us how organics is working for you

    Please take a moment complete our short survey and tell us how organics is working for you or if you need assistance with strategies to convince your building and neighbors to participate.

Food waste is a significant contributor to climate change, accounting for approximately 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

When food is wasted, all the resources used in its production, such as water, energy, and land, are also wasted. Additionally, decomposing food waste in landfills produces methane, a potent greenhouse gas that is far more damaging to the environment than carbon dioxide.

To mitigate the impact of food waste on climate change, individuals, businesses, and governments must prioritize reducing food waste through better inventory management, improved storage facilities, and consumer education on smart purchasing and meal planning.

Find a food drop off site near you

food scrap drop-off sites

There are food scrap drop-off sites open throughout the week in Manhattan and the outer boroughs available through DSNY, NYC Compost Projects, and GrowNYC.

In addition, DSNY has placed 400 orange “Smart bins” across all boroughs, that accept organics. These bins are open 365 days a year, 24/7. Download the NYC Smart Compost app for free for Android and iOS.

NYC Community Fridges

Community fridges allow you to easily give back to your community by donating safe and edible food to those who need it. It is a great way to fight food waste and keep it out of the trash. Visit to add a new fridge in your neighborhood!

food pantries

Search the map to find a soup kitchen, food pantry, senior center, or SNAP enrollment site near you. Find a free tax assistance site here.

If you’re an individual looking to donate a small amount of food, the organizations will be happy to accept your donations. Visit for more information.

issues and impact of food & organic waste

food waste in dumpster


  • Tackling food waste is a multi-dimensional, systemic problem. An estimated 30-40% of food produced in the US goes to waste. At the same time 14% of US households are food insecure. This waste not only impacts our soil, water, energy, and labor needed to grow this food but also generates gigatons of greenhouse gasses in the process of bringing food to the supply chains and inevitably, it seems, to landfills and incinerators.

    Too much food is wasted simply because sellers and consumers do not understand what the date labels mean and automatically throw food away when it has reached the “best if used by” date! Watch this helpful video about FDA food labeling and browse the related links to learn more and reduce the amount of food you waste at home! Changing wasteful production and consumption will also lead to reductions in the generation of plastic packaging waste.

    New York Food Donation and Food Scraps Recycling Law

NYC Composting program, BioCycle


NYC rat in garbage, NBC News


NYC smoke 2023 by David Dee Delgado, Getty Images


  • In the United States, landfills contribute upwards of 30% of the atmospheric methane each year.  Methane released into the atmosphere is ~82 times more potent a greenhouse gas than C02. The methane emissions from MSW landfills in 2019 were approximately equivalent to the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from more than 21.6 million passenger vehicles driven for one year or the CO2 emissions from nearly 12.0 million homes’ energy use for one year.

    Only by diverting food waste resources away from landfills and incinerators can we begin to make an immediate and measurable impact on the well-being of our local and global communities as well as the resiliency of our own fragile coastal ecosystem.  By doing this we can rest a little easier knowing we’re positively addressing the long-term climate threats that face us.

    Composting should be mandatory in New York City, Columbia Climate School, December 2021

    Besides reducing methane gas, composting will significantly reduce black bag trash on our sidewalks and immediately improve access for seniors and the disabled. The task of reforming a system that diverts hundreds of millions of dollars towards dump and burn and replacing it with integrated closed-loop resource management methods will be challenging. is a good starting point to learn about participating in the NYC curbside composting program.

    If your building is reluctant to sign up for curbside collection, here’s a a one sheet that might help and also a resource from Its Easy Being Green that may help convince your building management and neighbors to enroll. This video Compost (feat. DiorNoel) - A Portrait of the NYC Composting Community creatively raps on the local processing of organics in NYC.

    What can and cannot be composted in NYC, Common Ground Compost

NYC Public School Youth by Cafeteria Culture


  • Children are without question our most important human resource. Investing in K-12 education and emphasizing the relationships between waste and our natural and built environments as well as collaborating on solutions to the world's most intractable problem — our appetite for waste — we’ll begin to steer future generations away from the environmental brink. Students in NYC Public Schools are already separating organics at school - so just ask your kids!

    Cafeteria Culture Zero Waste / Educational Resources

New Jersey power plant


  • Research shows that 79 percent of municipal solid waste incinerators are located in environmental justice (EJ) communities The majority of landfills and incinerators, are located near EJ communities.  Generally, the way that we manage waste—or don’t manage waste—has severe health impacts on these communities due to the pollution that stems from incineration and the trucking of waste to these polluting facilities. Covanta, in Newark, NJ,  is one such incinerator impacting the air quality and long term health of a neighboring city. 

    From Food Recovery and Redistribution programs to Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) laws to mandatory waste resource diversion to composting we now have the means to redirect a portion of the untold millions budgeted for landfills and incinerators toward providing food security for families and communities, offering healthier dietary options outside of traditional and often inaccessible supermarket supply chains. 

    Building a New Economy

  • Q&A: Addressing the Environmental Justice Implications of Waste

    Environmental Justice NYC Mayors Office of Climate and Environment Justice

    Waste Equity Overview NYC Environmental Alliance

NYC Sanitation


Take our Kitchen to Compost Class

Learn how to separate your food scraps and become a “composting expert” in your home!

Sign up for our Kitchen Class here.


The Manhattan SWAB Organics Committee consists of residential leaders, zero waste professionals and community advocates. The committee meets monthly on the second Monday from 5:30-6:30 pm ET.

Contact us to join or learn more about how you can help support NYC’s composting programs.


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