Plastic Waste Audit with Your Rep Assembly District 67

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SATURDAY OCTOBER 28 at 12:00-2:00

RAIN DATE: NOV. 1 at 5:30

Please join THE MANHATTAN SOLID WASTE ADVISORY BOARD for a walk along District 67 and collect discarded CIGARETTE BUTTS/ E-CIGARETTE WASTE.

They are composed of plastic, batteries and other toxic materials. Cigarette butts are the most commonly littered item globally.

We will have a friendly competition with participants, and we will count the butts and vapes.

Supplies are limited: Do BYO gloves tongs, grabbers if you can.

Contact: manhattanswab1 at to RSVP


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Healthy Urban Soils, Healthy People, Healthy Communities, and the Benefits of Compost & Composting